The Textile Conservation Workshop (TCW) is a not-for-profit laboratory founded in 1978 to act as a conservation resource for museums, historic agencies and private individuals.
Textiles of historic importance and artistic value are treated by professional conservators, serving the needs of cultural institutions throughout the United States. As an educational institution, the Workshop offers internships that provide novice as well as post-graduate training in the field of textile conservation. TCW has an active outreach education and survey program for small museums and historical societies.
Today, we are one of a group of 14 regional centers in the US, of which only 11 conduct individual artifact treatment. We specialize in just one artifact type - textiles. Our 6 graduate-trained staff members function in a team-oriented working environment. Confirmation of our training ability is exemplified by the TCW trained practitioners who have taken positions in museum labs and regional centers, as well as throughout the country in private practice, servicing collections in historical agencies and museum collections. The TCW applies the science of conservation and fine craftsmanship to the care and restoration of every type of textile.
Textile treatments benefit from TCW's inventory of high quality conservation grade materials.
Textiles treated represent a diversity of cultures, regions and historical time periods.